How to Prepare for the KET exams

The second round of practice exams for KET are coming up in the next two weeks and many students are asking what they can do at home to prepare for the exams. There are many online resources to help students get ready for these exams so we have decided to publish some links here to make it easier for the children to find the best resources.

This website has exercises to practice Listening or Reading and Writing, as well as tips for how to do well on the Speaking part of the test. In the Reading and Writing section you can even practice writing an email and a story and find out how well you will do on this part of the test.

On this website you can do a full KET exam. The exam is timed and you will receive your score at the end of the test.

This link has exercises to practice for the old KET exam, but they are still useful to prepare for the current exam.

This site has exercises to practice the first 5 parts of the Reading and Writing test and an example question for Part 6 (the email). However the website does not have a window for writing the email and it will not correct the email. It does have extra vocabulary exercises to help you prepare for the test.

The following website has practice exercises for Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking. In the Speaking section you can record your answers and check your score!

Students can also practice their Speaking by going to the following link and practicing at home with their friends. The more friends they practice with, the better they will do on the exam.

And of course, there is listening practice on the website that comes with the workbook.

Apart from using these online resources to prepare for the KET exam, students can also do several things to improve their English on a daily basis:

•    Read in English (Try to choose books or comics that you enjoy. Read a variety of styles including instructions for a new game, recipes for cooking, online articles written specifically for children)
•    Watch TV and films in English (you should watch without subtitles because if not, you will only improve your reading skills and not your listening skills)
•    Speak in English to friends, family and teachers as much as possible

Good luck on your exams!

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