Think in English

Johan Sebastian Bach was born on March 31 in 1685, in Eisenach, Germany. His father and several of other members of his family were musicians. 
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Young Readers Day took place on November 09, 2021. It is celebrated each year on the second Tuesday in November and was created to focus 
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Most children like animals and enjoy learning the names of the different animals at school. In younger years we often learn about farm animals. We 
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Students in 1st and 2nd of Primary created name cards which were decorated with vocabulary related to favourite food, animals, toys, sports and things they 
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Hispanic Day (Día de la Hispanidad) or National Day (Fiesta Nacional de España) is an annual national public holiday in Spain on October, 12th. It commemorates when Christopher Columbus first set foot in the Americas, in 1492. He was credited for ‘discovering’ America, but there were already people
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Back to school and that means extraescolares is about to begin! Science is fun is just right around the corner and we are ready to have fun while learning and speaking in English. We are offering the class to the children in the 4 and 5 year old classes. The 4 year old classes will be held on Monda
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We are going to start a new course and from LUYFERIVAS School we want to remind you about the importance of learning a foreign language such as English. There are plenty of reasons that show it, but we are going to name some of them, we are sure that you will agree with us. 1- You can speak to
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We’ve spent the last two months doing all those things we love but can’t find time for along the academic year, like spending lots of time with family and friends, staying late at nights and getting up very late in the mornings, travelling...and now, we’re back to school!!! Hard as it might seem, ch
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More and more parents want their children to learn English from a young age. I often meet parents of children as young as two or three who say that proficiency in speaking English will help their child 'get ahead in a globalised world'. In other words, the sooner their children get started, the bett
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Family English is a fun way for parents of our youngest students to learn English through play. Our group, which is made up of students from 18 months to 3 years and their parents, meets every Friday from 17:15-18h, starting in October This is the newest activity which the Infantil English depar
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