The old woman and her seeds

Once upon a time, there was a man who took the bus to go to work every day. One bus stop later, an old woman got on the bus and sat next to the window. She opened a bag and threw something through the window all the way down. She always did the same; so, one day the man asked her what she was throwing.
-“Seeds!”, the old woman said
-“Seeds?”, the man asked again.
-“Yes. When I look outside, it seems so empty…Wouldn’t it be nice to see flowers everywhere?”
-“But the flowers would be ruined by people, by cars…do you think they could grow?”
-“For sure! Even if some are lost, eventually they will grow.
-“But it will take a long time! They need water.”
“I do as much as possible. Rain will come”
The man got off the bus, thinking that the old woman might be a bit out of her mind.

Some months later, on his way to work, that man looked through the window and saw all the way full of flowers, so colourful! He thought of that old woman, but he hadn’t seen her for a long time.
He asked the driver about her, and he then knew that she had passed away. It was in that moment when he wondered whether all her effort had been worth it; she would no longer see the flowers.
Suddenly, he heard a little girl laughing and pointing at the flowers: “Look, dad! So many flowers! Aren’t they gorgeous?”

So, at this point, it is clear the meaning of this story:
the old lady left her heritage for people to be happier.
It is said that, from that day on, the man of our story always gets on the bus with a bag full of seeds.
This story is dedicated to all the teachers who (today more than ever) can’t see how the planted seeds have grown, mainly their teenager’s hope. And it is also dedicated to parents, who never rest taking care of their children.
Because…teaching and educating mean to bring up our children to build better societies in the future.

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