How to support your child in his or her journey learning English

So, you have decided to send your son or daughter to a bilingual school. You have encouraged them to make a big effort, and you have emphasized how important it is to have a high level of English for a bright future in the workplace. But, you may have asked yourself, ‘what can I do at home’? Here are some ideas to help you.
1 – Watch TV series’ and movies in English. This may not seem overly important, but studies show that children who are exposed to entertainment in English will grasp the language earlier and better. The high standard of English in Nordic countries is often attributed to the subtitle, rather than dubbing culture in the cinema and TV.
2 – Learn English yourself. If your children see that Mum or Dad (or both!) are making an effort to learn English, this will encourage them. Ask simple questions in English at the breakfast table and in the evening and it will soon feel natural. You should get over any nerves or embarrassment as the children have the same sensation when they begin their journey through English at school.
3 – Turn any gadgets, like the Playstation or the tablet/PC to English mode. This is an invaluable tool as nowadays, before children learn to read and write, they are often confident users of iPads or their parents’ phones. Introducing language such as 'password', 'log-on', 'choose', 'press' or 'game over' can be a useful starting point
Normalizing a language is the key to success, and the more exposure to English your child has at home, the better. Coupled with English at Luyfe and the Cambridge exams, your contribution could make all the difference in your child’s quest for proficiency and fluency in English.
English Department

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