Daily Archives: 1 de marzo de 2021

El 22 de marzo realizaremos nuestros carrera solidaria junto a #UNICEF
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A veces utilizamos mal la conjugación verbal de nuestra propia lengua, por eso no debemos caer en este error. Hoy os mostramos como utilizar correctamente el modo imperativo de los verbos. • No se debe a usar el infinitivo, en lugar del imperativo. Este error es muy común cuando nos dirigimos a
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In no particular order, below are four of the best Spanish inventions. 1- The gyroplane The autogyro or gyroplane was invented by Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva in an attempt to create an aircraft that could fly safely at low speeds. Cierva's autogyro is considered the predecessor of the m
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Whenever our students learn about different tools that are used in our daily life, not only we want them to learn about the function of those objects but also how are they created and how they are used. That’s why our fourth graders have been creating artefacts in the Social Science lessons. The mai
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Interactive, online play is a great way to bolster skills in both computer use and fundamental subjects. Get tips for helping your child get the most from her early learning activities on the computer. In this networked age, computer literacy is essential. Parents can start to teach computer skills
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Once upon a time, there was a man who took the bus to go to work every day. One bus stop later, an old woman got on the bus and sat next to the window. She opened a bag and threw something through the window all the way down. She always did the same; so, one day the man asked her what she was throwi
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El desarrollo de creatividad es muy importante desde edades tempranas, por ello es importante trabajarla y fomentarla desde el primer ciclo de educación infantil. Los niños y niñas aprenden creando y además disfrutan mucho con el proceso de creación libre, crear es algo que les da mucha satisfacc
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marzo 2021