Improve your creativity, improve your English!

Creativity is a key tool not only for an adequate language acquisition, but also to create new knowledge and language uses. As we can see in the section “Tips and advice” of the Cambridge website, “many young children remember language more easily if learning is subtly combined with creative activities, such as drawing or role-play”.  They also state that “any language ‘work’ you do at home that is fun, varied, attention-grabbing or creative will help your child prepare for their exams and develop their skills in a natural, stress-free way.”

But, how can we work or foster children´s creativity? Despite children are naturally inquisitive and inquiring, creativity is not an innate capacity. It must be developed, and they need support and help to reach their full creative potential. This is a real challenge for most of us, so here you will find some tips and ideas to work on and promote a suitable environment to stimulate creativity.

•    Show examples to spark ideas: Children sometimes need examples of what they can do starting from nothing, a blank page for instance. 

•    Encourage messing around: Kids need to touch and manipulate materials in order to express ideas through projects. Playing with LEGO bricks or craft materials are excellent activities for that purpose.

•    Provide a wide variety of materials: Nowadays we can find a huge variety and types of tools, toys and materials for children. The more diversity of materials, the more range of opportunities to create new things. 

•    Emphasize process, not product: The important part of this learning is the process, not the result of that process, because here is where children find inspiration and work on the different strategies to achieve the final result. Not only take into account successful experiments, but also failed experiments, encourage resolution and versatility.

•    Get involved as a collaborator: If we as parents or teachers get too involved in children´s projects, we will give them what and how to do it instead of let them think on their own. It is great to collaborate on their projects, because it strengthens our relationship with the kids, but respecting their opinions. 


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