Daily Archives: 21 de septiembre de 2019

One of my favourite projects to do with the Year 5 kids towards the end of the school year is to divide them into groups and get them to invent a totally new product that doesn´t exist on the market. There are three parts to this project: 1. They must draw a poster to advertise the product 2. Th
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Science is fun is starting very soon! This year English extrascolares will begin in October with Miss Monika teaching the 4 year old children on Tuesday and Thursday and Miss Michelle teaching the 5 year old children on Monday and Wednesday. We are more than happy and eager to begin our classes. Our
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Con frecuencia nos encontramos con diferentes problemas en el uso de palabras. Es correcto usar quizá o quizás, es correcto satisfago o satisfació, son dudas que se nos presentan en el día a día. Aquí detallamos algunas de ellas. ¿Es «satisfizo», «satisfajo» o «satisfació»? El verbo «satisfacer»
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Going back to school after a summer break can be a time of anxiety, excitement, even a bit of sadness for students of all ages. This new school year is full of many unknowns and that can feel a little scary at first. While few children will admit to looking forward to the return of early mornings an
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Children have more chance of being successful with their learning when teachers and parents work together. Everything you do with your child during the day could be used as an opportunity to improve their English learning. Here are our five top tips: PICTURE BOOK TIME This method can open up a wh
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Empezamos un nuevo curso, y después de la gran acogida que tuvo el año anterior, seguiremos con los retos matemáticos durante este curso. ¿Cuántos serás capaz de realizar?
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Our 3rd graders finished a great course making group projects about simple machines. “Every day you use machines without even thinking about it. A machine is anything that helps make work easier. Basic tools like staplers, screwdrivers and scissors are simple machines. These machines are all base
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septiembre 2019