Idioms are phrases that have a meaning that is very different from its individual words. They have a figurative meaning instead of a literal meaning. That's the reason why sometimes it’s difficult to guess their meaning if it is not your native language. We usually get used to them by listening to them in our daily conversations, as most of them belong to an informal language. 

They exist in all languages, but we have to be careful when using them as they are specific to a language. This means that an idiom in Spanish doesn’t translate to an idiom in English, although sometimes they are similar.
Here you have some easy examples to learn them and to use them in your English classes! You will observe that a couple of them are very similar to the Spanish ones as we said before. 

– "Beat around the bush" – to avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable.
– "Better late than never" – it's better to arrive late than not to come at all.
– "Hit the sack" – go to sleep.
– "No pain, no gain" – you have to make effort and work for what you want.
– "That's the last straw" – your patience has run out.
– "Call it a day" – stop working on something.
– "Pull someone's leg" – to joke with someone.
– "It's not rocket science" – it's not so complicated.
– "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it" – don't talk about that problem right now.
– "Curiosity killed the cat" – being too curious can be dangerous.
– "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" – what looks beautiful to one person may not look beautiful to another.
– "That costs an arm and a leg" – that is very expensive.
– "You can't judge a book by its cover" – don't assume you know someone/something by its appearance.
– "Every cloud has a silver lining" – good things come after bad things.
– "The ball is in your court" – it's your decision.
– "Comparing apples to oranges" – comparing two things that cannot be compared.

Now, it's your turn to use them!


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