Monthly Archives: mayo 2018

When I grow up… The students in Year 2 in YLE tell us what they want to be when they grow up. The students were given a few questions to answer to help them to prepare their presentations and they were told they could bring in costumes or props to help them with their explanations. They went ab
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Nuevo Reto Matemático
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¡Nuestros alumnos se han vestido de chulapos para festejar el patrón de Madrid al ritmo de las mejores canciones regionales!
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Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-92) was brought up in the shadow of his father who was Rector of Somersby in Lincolnshire. His father wanted him to become a clergyman but young Alfred decided to become a poet. His poems have now become well known all around the world and contain intense expressions of mo
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Muchas veces, los alumnos tienen problemas con la ortografía. Para conseguir, que puedan mejorar, podemos proporcionarles pequeños trucos que a ellos les vendrá muy bien de cara al colegio y poder escribir sin cometer faltas. Este proceso de aprendizaje no se consigue rápidamente pero, sí que
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El 4 de mayo tuvo lugar la entrega de premios en el salón de actos del colegio Luyferivas en el que nuestros alumnos recibieron sus merecidos galardones premiando la buena ortografía y el interés por seguir aprendiendo.
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mayo 2018